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A special honor-based care

Personal care and assisted living at Our Father's House Christian Home is provided in a non-nursing home, servant hood manner. Elderly are looked up to and respected as "elders at the city gate" who have wisdom acquired from a lifetime of experience.


24 hour assistance with dressing and bathing



​Diabetic care


Medication management


Nursing oversight 






Home style meals 


House doctor


Transportation to doctors' offices


Nurse call bell system


Bible-based church service every Sunday morning


Special music groups every week


Full activity schedule


Trips to restaurants


Hairdressing available in beauty room in facility


Comfortable living room and separate living room for assisted living


Assisted living


For assisted living, there is a wing of private bedrooms. Most of these have their own showers and some have kitchenettes with a refrigerator and microwave. A separate living room is available for this wing with its own entrance. You can enjoy the comfort of a setting similar to home, but with the security of a call-bell system available if help is needed - as well as assistance with medication management and minor assistance with bathing and dressing. Meals are provided in the dining room.

Full care wing


The elderly who need a higher level of care are not "patients" ....they are our mothers and fathers who should be respected and honored for the lives they have led. Nursing staff and lifestyle assistance are available to provide most types of full care on this wing. In most cases, this wing allows the elderly to stay in this ministry to the end of their life's journey.


Elderly may keep their own doctor if so desired. But a house doctor is also available for an additional charge. This additional charge, called a retainer fee, allows the house doctor to be personally on call in most cases.


A spcial living room with a fire place has comfortable recliners and allows each elderly person to have a special "seat in the court yard." Even those elderly needing full care are not "bedfast" - as in a nursing home setting - but spend most of the time in the living and dining rooms during daytime hours. They are still part of activities and walks and wheelchair rides outdoors.

Home cooked meals


Home cooked meals that are both delicious and nutritious are provided three times a day in the dining room. Every day starts with a hot breakfast that includes scrambled eggs, oatmeal, coffee, bananas, juice and milk and either bacon or sausage. Most requests for other breakfast items are accommodated.  For lunch, a lighter meal such as a casserole or soup and sandwich is served. Evenings feature a larger, full-course meal.  Sunday's are special with a larger meal at lunchtime to allow Sunday to be a special day. This special meal is followed by homemade pies and ice cream.


Cooking of meals is overseen by the household family, helping to give it a special touch. Sharon Bender grew up in a Mennonite home and has had many years of experience cooking delicious meals. She is personally in charge of recipes used and oversight of cooking styles and methods. Elderly are regularly included in the planning process for new ideas for both recipes and menus.


The philosophy at Our Father's House is that the kitchen is always open - just like it is at your own home. Snacks, ice cream, fruits and leftover food are always available - even during the nighttime hours. Often, it is a comfort just to know that their is food available. This is one more way it is like home instead of an institution .

Family Involvement


The name, "Our Father's House," reflects the belief of the Benders that God intended for involvement of the family. Family members are encouraged and asked to be part of the caregiving team. They are participants in the oversight of their loved ones' care - as well as being part of the family of Our Father's House in a broader sense.

Household concept


Elderly at Our Father's House have the added security of not only being in the hands of well-trained staff, but also under the oversight of a household family living on campus. The household family consists of the Bender family, and two "ministry staff" as administrative assistants. These administrative staff serve in a "deaconess" role and live in cottage one, adjacent to the assisted living facility. Raymond Bender, owner and head of the household, serves in a "shepherd" role. The Shepherd's role is to oversee the life journey of each elderly person and each staff in addition to being business administrator. The deaconess' role is to be a role model for other staff and to train new staff in the principles and mannerisms of honoring the elderly.

Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother


Staff at Our Father's House receive a special kind of ministry training that is based on the principle of honoring our elders as fathers and mothers. They are trained in practical ways of implementing this principle on a day by day basis.


First, each elderly person is honored through development of a life map. A life map recognizes and honors elderly for who they are and things they have done during the course of their life journey. Through the life map, staff and others are able to understand where each elderly person grew up, special events they experienced, their family background, places they have traveled, their occupation, retirement, hobbies and so forth. As staff come to know about the elderly's life journey, they are able to help them with their future life journey in a special way. Helping with personal care and assisted living is only a part of a broader effort to be of assistance with their life journey in general.


Second, each elderly person is honored by the way they are served and ministered to by personal care staff. Staff are trained to be respectful and honoring in their manner as they deliver personal care.   Staff training focuses on terminology, tone of voice, body language and mannerisms that are respectful.


Third, staff are trained to honor by understanding that they are ministering to and delivering care in "our fathers house." Staff are trained that they are working in the house belonging to our elders - instead of the elderly coming to live in a home belonging to us. This allows the elders to be in charge and staff to be in a servanthood role.

"Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother" ~ Exodus 20:12

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Assisted Living

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